Tales of a Yankee Hobbit

On the life and mind of a traveler in Divaland. Think Samuel Pepys plus Anaïs Nin plus mid-life. Or not.

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Location: Claremont, CA, United States

I am a singer of the soprano variety who thinks. A lot. I also read and rant. Single and aunt-y. Why Yankee Hobbit? Because I'm from Buffalo, NY and my Mom once called me her little Hobbit because of all of my adventures.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Word of the day (short but sweet)

So, I've been working on all of these analysis papers these last few weeks. And I had an epiphany. I love words. I love their derivations. Try this on for size:

Anal (meaning, referring to one's arse)
Lysis (meaning, to break down, usually in a violent matter).

SO, the little known meaning of analysis is "to bust one's arse."

Ok, ok, I'm kidding. Or am I???

G'nite folks!


Blogger beholdhowfree said...

I saw you on TV last night! Nice singing, and what a cool program.

4:09 PM  
Blogger YankeeHobbit said...

Thankee!!! Happy Holidays to you!

3:45 PM  

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