Tales of a Yankee Hobbit

On the life and mind of a traveler in Divaland. Think Samuel Pepys plus Anaïs Nin plus mid-life. Or not.

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Location: Claremont, CA, United States

I am a singer of the soprano variety who thinks. A lot. I also read and rant. Single and aunt-y. Why Yankee Hobbit? Because I'm from Buffalo, NY and my Mom once called me her little Hobbit because of all of my adventures.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Whatever you do, VOTE!

That's it, essentially. Even if you don't vote for the people I want you to vote for (and you know who you are), it is our civil right and responsibility to participate in the annual attempt to make our governmental needs and desires known.

I remember being really excited about this time in 1988, when I was finally going to be able to go into one of those tiny booths and change the world. And to top it all off, my first election was going to be a presidential election. That's like having your birthday on the autumnal equinox or something (oh wait, I often do!). [Note: I was actually legal to vote in 1985, but since I was in college out of state, I didn't actually get to do an non-absentee vote until the presidential election, when I registered in NC. I think. It's all fuzzy now.]

Granted, my guy lost. Miserably. Was trounced, actually. As has often happened, given my personal political bent and the states in which I have lived since that fateful day in 1988. But this has not dampened my enthusiasm for the project. In fact, it has only strengthened it.

Have I voted every year? No. I must admit to being "too busy" a couple of times. Or not "bothering" to negotiate the byzantine system of polling places to find out where I was being shunted to once or twice. I always regret it when I don't vote.

So VOTE, dad-gummit! Make a difference somehwere, even if you don't think you can.


Blogger josh williams said...

I vote as often as I am able, I always regret if I am not able to vote twice durying an election. ...Yes I'll be voting again and again and one of these days I will get it right. thank you for your time, I was growing weary of talking to myself.

7:28 AM  

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