Tales of a Yankee Hobbit

On the life and mind of a traveler in Divaland. Think Samuel Pepys plus Anaïs Nin plus mid-life. Or not.

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Location: Claremont, CA, United States

I am a singer of the soprano variety who thinks. A lot. I also read and rant. Single and aunt-y. Why Yankee Hobbit? Because I'm from Buffalo, NY and my Mom once called me her little Hobbit because of all of my adventures.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Minority Report

It is good to be back! We took an unintended vacation when we left town without our log-in information. Bad Yankee Hobbit. And so much happened this week! Thanks to my newly-minted Canadian sister-friend for pointing out the typo in "Kudos." It be fixed.

I am a minority. Not for any of the obvious reasons either. I am one of the very few Americans who can honestly say that I love my new driver's license photo! This is no vain-diva moment— it is an unusually pro-me moment! I loathe just about every photo of me in existence after about the age of 15 (I'm sure there's something Freudian about that. Or Jungian. Or Whoeverian.). But this photo, taken by some bored State functionary at the end of a very long work day, looks just like I wanted it to look. Imagine my surprise when I tore open that envelope today. And in just 2 weeks, rather than the promised 6-8. Progress, I tell you!

Whilst vacationing in the thankfully-not-melting North, I had the opportunity to attend my mother's Sorority's summer bash (technically my sorority too, BTW). A dinner dance. Those of you who know me know I was not necessarily looking forward to it; it was more of a filial duty kind of thing. Me? Dancing and socializing? With people I either a) don't know or b) haven't seen in close to 20 years? Yum. But fear not, Gentle Reader— I had a blast!

My mother and sister (Bob Vilette, aka The Feng Shui Queen and DIY Diva), both fabulously attired, "gently" coerced me into the Electric Slide. Other than my inappropriate footwear, it was fun. There was another line dance too. I think it was The Booty Call. My grandmother asked me if "they" did this in Texas. I said, "they" might, but I don't get out anywhere where such things might happen.

One incredibly cool thing was seeing all of these people, mostly women, many well over 60, dressed to the nines and partying down. In. Heels. I would love to look that good at 40, let alone 60+. And they looked, the ones I knew anyway, like they've aged Not. One. Iota. Life is completely unfair-- but way better than the alternative.

[Side note on that: Once upon a time, my quasi-long-lost friend the Organist was on an "I want to be a funeral director" kick. So we all went to the National Museum of Funeral History (bet you didn't know 1) there was one and 2) it's in Houston. Consider yourself enlightened). Can't have a museum without a gift shop and this is no exception. They have a line of products emblazoned with their motto: "Any day above ground is a good one.™" Hell of a way to gain perspective, n'est-ce pas?]

Of course, on the other end of the spectrum, today I had my eyes examined. (Head is next on the list...) The ophthamologist's assistant-ette, who looked to be barely 20, said something to me along the lines of, "I say that to a lot of my older patients." Me? An older patient? When the you-know-when did that happen?

My nieces and nephews probably find me old too, but they have an excuse— not a one of them is over 12. It was muy fabuloso to spend time with them. It's a great by-product of "ADG's Home for the Very Juvenile and Quite Aged." Since my mom watches the kiddos on weekdays, I got to hang out with them. They are all brilliant and stunningly beautiful— to a one. The aforementioned Bob Vilette has 3 girls, ages 7, 8 & 11 and my baby sister (aka The Entrepreneur and Jewelry Designer Extraordinaire) has 2 boys, 2 and 4. I miss being around them all of the time, but on the other hand, they are always very different than the last time I saw them.

We took the kids to the Butterfly Conservancy in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Not as large as the Cockrell Center in Houston (which, in the spirit of full disclosure, I have not actually been to), but verrrrry cool. They are everywhere in there. My 2 year old nephew is still in the vocabulary gathering process, so they were all "bees." As is pretty much any flying insectoid object. The older kiddos were as fascinated as he was. As we all were. I was particularly taken with the blue swallowtails. Lovely! Getting there was also fun; we took the scenic route along the Niagara River, which goes- as one might imagine- right by the Falls. When one lives so close to one of the great natural wonders of the world, one tends to forget their majesty. Thank you for the reminder— it was completely awesome. As was not wrecking the car trying to see them while driving.

Okaaay. Off to study modes, scales, Augmented 6th chords and the other instruments of torture known as Music Theory. Big placement exam tomorrow. Thanks for the link, Joan!


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