Tales of a Yankee Hobbit

On the life and mind of a traveler in Divaland. Think Samuel Pepys plus Anaïs Nin plus mid-life. Or not.

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Location: Claremont, CA, United States

I am a singer of the soprano variety who thinks. A lot. I also read and rant. Single and aunt-y. Why Yankee Hobbit? Because I'm from Buffalo, NY and my Mom once called me her little Hobbit because of all of my adventures.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Brevity, being the soul of wit, dictates (thanks, Beth!) a short post today.

Big-ole shout outs to:
My student for singing one helluva great recital this afternoon. Anaemia rocked! (As did just about the entire affair.)

My dear friend of long acquaintance who has been recommended for tenure in the Diplomatic Service of the U S of A (Veuve, baby, Veuve!).

My Organist, who with a random call prevented me from completely having my first wedding blank-out.

My friend and coach KW who reminded me not to scream at the end of the Strauss trio.

My lungs for holding out during same.

Whoever finds (and RETURNS!) the pearl bracelet I lost at the Hobby Center this afternoon.

My various airport transport teams this summer!

As my nephew says,

Peace out...


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