Tales of a Yankee Hobbit

On the life and mind of a traveler in Divaland. Think Samuel Pepys plus Anaïs Nin plus mid-life. Or not.

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Location: Claremont, CA, United States

I am a singer of the soprano variety who thinks. A lot. I also read and rant. Single and aunt-y. Why Yankee Hobbit? Because I'm from Buffalo, NY and my Mom once called me her little Hobbit because of all of my adventures.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Like a fine wine...

Mea culpa! Pretend it's not really been almost a month since we chatted! And what an almost-month it has been.

(This will be brief as, true to form, I am mid-important-daunting-nowhere-near-finished-task.)

The performances advertised in "Shameless Self-Promotion" went really well. The Zilkha Hall one could have had a LOT more butts in seats. So all you Yankee Hobbit Fans (ok, all 2 of you), call all your buddies and tell them to come to Ars Lyrica's next do in November. It'll be hot. I promise.

The "all about Divameg" show was fun too. Not very often you get to sing Chaka Khan, Richard Strauss and Thomas Dorsey in the same show.

Turning 39 was great! Had a wonderful day and an amazing dinner with a few friends. Lots of wine, lots of laughter, no song (well, the HB song, but that doesn't count).

The only bad thing (well, besides being swamped), was witnessing a rather horrific accident last week. I didn't see the actual impact, but I heard it. It was unlike any car crash I've ever heard before. From what I have been able to gather since, the "hitter" was traveling up to 80 mph and hit the "hittee" without slowing. Hence the sound. But heard it I did and turned in time to see the hittee (a car) fly vertically into the air and roll a couple of times when it hit the ground.

The people in that car didn't make it. The driver was drunk. You hear those two lines a lot, but until you see it happen, it doesn't really sink in. Two people, minding their own business, presumably following the rules and making safe, sane choices; mowed down because of the bad choices of one individual.

Besides not being able to shake the images from my head, I also can't seem to shake the feeling that I need to make my choices count more. Something about the possibility of being unmade by someone else's decisions makes making the most out of what you've got more important.

Be safe.


Blogger josh williams said...

This Friday was much like this day.Happy birthday and stuff. JW

11:19 PM  

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