Tales of a Yankee Hobbit

On the life and mind of a traveler in Divaland. Think Samuel Pepys plus Anaïs Nin plus mid-life. Or not.

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Location: Claremont, CA, United States

I am a singer of the soprano variety who thinks. A lot. I also read and rant. Single and aunt-y. Why Yankee Hobbit? Because I'm from Buffalo, NY and my Mom once called me her little Hobbit because of all of my adventures.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

VOTE! And come hear me sing...

Shameless self-promotion part whatever:

The week after Election Day (hint, hint), on Monday, November 13, you get to hear me and two amazing women (that would be Natalie Arduino and Tracy Rhodus) perform music written for the first-ever girl group, "The Three Ladies of Ferrara" as the next concert in Ars Lyrica Houston's fabulous 2006-07 season.

Where does this amazing and historic event take place? Why, Zilkha Hall at the Hobby Center for the Performing Arts, that's where!

Again, Monday, November 13 at 7:30 p.m. There are even student tickets available. This is a not to be missed event, so plan to come and bring at least 5 of your favorite people. "Butts in seats" totally needs to happen!

And if you live in the College Station area (this includes you Austinites!), we're doing a repeat performance on Tuesday, November 14 at St. Thomas Church in College Station. That one's even free.

Oh-- and by the way, go vote on Tuesday! Tell all your friends. Even the Republicans.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...even the Republicans.

Hey...I resemble that remark!! Just remember, the republicans give more to the arts than Dems do. :> No, Public Radio doesn't count.

love you MEG


4:36 PM  
Blogger josh williams said...

Bunyan is a fool and lets be happy he is not smart enough to register. Put that on your ax and smoke it Bunyan...Do me a favor an dont tell Bunyan I did not make sense, he is so very vendictive.

12:20 AM  

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