Tales of a Yankee Hobbit

On the life and mind of a traveler in Divaland. Think Samuel Pepys plus Anaïs Nin plus mid-life. Or not.

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Location: Claremont, CA, United States

I am a singer of the soprano variety who thinks. A lot. I also read and rant. Single and aunt-y. Why Yankee Hobbit? Because I'm from Buffalo, NY and my Mom once called me her little Hobbit because of all of my adventures.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Like Dimetapp– only different...

Yes, I know, I have been remiss. Quite remiss. On several fronts. Posting in general and posting on the Project in particular.

It was the holidays, don'tcha know. And everyone does some hiring over the holidays. I just did some re-hiring. And since I am an exceptional person, I starting re-hiring, oh around August.

Nothing drastic, but enough to put me in a serious blue funk for the last several weeks. It was just so easy. So insidious. A birthday cocktail here, a celebratory dinner there, a trip out of town, somewhere else. And then all of the sudden (ha!) I was cursing my (essentially new) washer for shrinking my new, smaller clothes.

This gave me an epiphanous revelation. Perhaps the reason so many miners died in mine shafts back in the day is because they ignored the canary. You know, the canary they kept in the mine to monitor deadly gases. No canary, no breathable air. Early warning system.

Which we all know is only as useful if people pay attention to it.

My canary croaked and I ignored it.

Again, nothing drastic. One of the Baptist students is even convinced that I've lost more. I'm convinced she's blowing smoke up my ass (pardon my French– I'm working on that too).

Anyway, that and any number of small and (on their own) insignificant things have conspired to keep me pissy for a while. But this one is completely and (ha!) easily remediated.

Another (not so new) revelation. I have issues with food. I have known that for a while, but managed to, um, forget while the Project was fully on track. I realize that if I am not completely and totally diligent, I revert to my habit of entertaining myself with foodstuffs. This too, pisses me off.

Sigh. I guess rather than thinking of food as entertainment, or even fuel, perhaps I need to think of it as medicine. Necessary for a chronic condition, but not to be overdone. Remember Dimetapp syrup? When I was growing up, it was new. Imagine the novelty of a cough syrup that was grape flavored; that kids would imbibe without struggle. If I recall correctly (and if I don't, humor me), there was initially an issue with kids faking colds to take the tasty Dimetapp.

Clearly this was not the intent.

I have to find that place: food can be tasty, it can certainly be healthy. But it is only to be used in certain quantities and at certain intervals. And everyone can't take every drug. Period.

I reserve the right to not divulge where we are at present. I promise to let you know when we're out of the re-do!